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The only permanent, reliable way to identify a lost pet should they ever get lost.

Microchips are a great way to help increase the chance of your pet being returned back to you safely if ever lost. It is an implantable computer chip that encodes a unique identification number specific to your pet that can be traced.

Why is it important to ensure my dog is microchipped?

Having your pet microchipped is a highly effective way of identifying your dog if ever lost. Generally, when a pet escapes they may not have a collar on or can lose their tags making it difficult to identify your pet. If your pet is microchipped the chip can be scanned at any veterinary clinic, shelter or animal control service allowing them to the information to get a hold of the owner.

How does a microchip work and is it safe?

A microchip is a permanent method of electronic identification. The chip itself is very small (about the size of a grain of rice) and is implanted just under the skin between the shoulder blades at the back of your pet’s neck. Each chip has a unique number that is detected by a microchip scanner. The microchip implants are safe and are well tolerated by the animal.

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